UVI2A, bridge between the idea, the project and the creation of agricultural and agri-food business

About UVI2A


Occupying 2/3 of the active population, the agricultural sector represents 25% of national GDP and provides 20% of export earnings. However, the sector remains confronted with major challenges characterized by a low valuation of agricultural and agri-food innovations, the main cause of which remains the ignorance of the strategies for valuing these innovations.

the African agricultural sector represents -

0 %
PIB national
0 %
export earnings

Goals &



Overall, the project aims to promote the emergence of agricultural start-ups and contribute to poverty reduction through the socio-professional integration of young people from universities and training centers.

Specifically, it is about detecting mature technologies/projects that can be brought to market


Our Services

1. Sensitization

2. Call for projects

3. Training

4. Accompagnement et conseil

Definition of innovation

Innovation is a process that creates added value or solves a problem in an original way. To be considered an innovation, a product, idea or approach must be new in its field, useful and economical to implement to achieve the intended objective and finally overcome pilot tests.

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